I like to be present.

I like deep conversation.

I listen.

I think.

I listen.

I give respect.

I welcome respect.

I like to know where I stand.

I like to form my thoughts before speaking.

I'd rather say nothing than something.

I let people talk.

I ask questions.

I'm curious. Like, really curious.

I'm observant.

I like adventure, physical adventure.

I stay away from drama.

I don't like waste.

I have the ability to look at the macro and the micro.

I'm the scientist and the artist.

I like to define the system but also break the rules.

I care, deeply.

Hi, I'm Kyle.


I'm a designer by trade, and an artist & tinkerer by nature.

I push pixels, make music, take photographs, and build businesses. 

For the past few years I've been building swivl. What started out as a horizontal AI platform turned into a verticalized customer service and automation platform for the self storage industry...man that was a mouthful of buzzwords. Basically, we help automate self storage businesses...you know...those places you rent when you have a bunch of junk you don't want to get rid of but don't have any room for. 

Before that, I helped build a company in the cannabis space with the same folks from swivl. 

Before that I built and worked at various startups and tech companies focused on consumer mobile and desktop apps. 

Did I mention I make music? I release under the names fogboi and Dudd. I'm obsessed with synthesizers and anything that makes sound, including custom speakers.  

Between 2019 and 2022, I traveled the country in an RV with my now fiancé and our little dog. It was an incredible experience and I hope I get to do it again one day. Through my travels I've learned that people are generally good and the United States is a beautiful and amazing place. If you ever have the opportunity to do it, seriously, make it happen. 

That's it for now. If you made it this far, thanks for watching. Don't forget to subscribe and smash that like button...just kidding, but I do have a YouTube channel if you're into that sort of thing.

I watch way too much Youtube, but also post the occassional video.

I don't say much on Twitter X.

Linkedin is not a dating site

Email me: justsay at hey dot com


Thanks to Tiffany for my logo. It's my bald head with inspiration from the Apple Magic Mouse foam packaging.

Processed with VSCO with k2 preset

Where a lot of the magic happens. Check out Workspaces.xyz fo more on my current desk setup.